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Important Policies and Forms

Agreement Form for Flexibility with Attendance/Assignments

Flexibility with Attendance/Assignments Policy

我们期望并鼓励学生按时上课,按时完成作业和考试. Faculty have the right to establish attendance and late work policies. However, 如果学生有随机或周期性急性发作的残疾,可能偶尔影响上课和完成考试或作业的能力, 出勤/作业的灵活性可能被认为是适当的住宿. 允许缺勤的次数和作业延期的长度取决于课程的互动性或参与性, or is based on department, college or accrediting agency rules.

OAE has created guidelines for students & faculty to help navigate this accommodation. Please see the detailed policy below.

Disability Related Flexibility in Attendance/Assignments Policy and Guidelines

Attendance and Assignments Deadlines

Students are expected and encouraged to attend classes on a regular basis. Faculty have the right to establish attendance policies. 允许缺课的次数取决于课程的互动性或参与性, or is based on department, college or accrediting agency rules. 因此,出勤政策是由学院或院系级别的教师制定的.

我们希望并鼓励学生按时完成作业和考试. Faculty have the right to establish late work policies.

What does Flexibility in Attendance/Assignments mean?

由于残疾直接相关的情况,可能不遵守出勤政策或可能错过作业截止日期或考试的学生可以寻求住宿. 请求这种便利的过程是通过无障碍教育办公室(OAE). All requests are considered individually.

When are Flexibility in Attendance/Assignment Deadlines Appropriate?

有些残疾本质上是偶发性的,具有随机或周期性的急性发作,因此残疾可能偶尔影响学生上课的能力, complete an assignment or take an exam at the scheduled time. 在这种情况下,出勤/作业的灵活性可能被认为是一种适当的安排.

For students who are approved for this accommodation, 我们将寻求对出勤在课程设计中所起作用的理解. 以及对作业和考试的时间安排在课程的互动性或参与性中的影响或作用的基本理解.

Specifically, we will be exploring:

  • What is the course attendance policy? What do the course description and syllabus say?
  • What method is used to calculate the final grade? (attendance, assignments, exams, etc.)
  • Is the attendance policy and late work or missed exams policy applied consistently? Are there
  • 教师和学生之间以及学生之间有多少互动?
  • 学生的贡献是学习过程的重要组成部分吗?
  • 课程的设计是否依赖学生参与作为重要的学习方法? Attendance and/or their assignment (project) contributions?
  • Is there content only offered in class?
  • 学生不按时上课或不按时完成作业在多大程度上影响了学生的学习
    educational experience of other students in the class?

If an accommodation is determined to be reasonable, OAE will work with you and your student to clearly specify:

  • How and when your student should inform you they will miss class
  • How your student will make up missed assignments and/or exams
  • 合理的缺勤次数(超出任何学生允许的缺勤次数)
  • 如果在线讨论期望是合理的,由于残疾相关的原因和在什么条件下进行修改
  • 如果延长完成在线考试或作业的时间是合理的

What is the process?

无障碍教育办公室(OAE)确定住宿是合理的. 我们向学生们解释,这并不意味着他们可以随心所欲地缺课. Also, the student is responsible for completing all coursework.

如果可能的话,OAE将为学生提供课程协议表格的副本,以便在学期开始时与教师一起完成. Once instructors complete these forms, we ask students to
schedule a meeting with an OAE staff person to review and approve the agreement. Any questions
should be directed to OAE (404-471-6174). 提示:在确定一个合理的时间框架来弥补或推迟一项任务时要考虑的一般规则, paper, exam or quiz is typically a minimum of 48 hours. In certain courses, it may be appropriate to consider an alternative assignment, reading or project to make up for missed class discussions or projects.


OAE will resolve these issues with conversations between faculty and/or student.

student does not respond. OAE, the student, and the faculty member will all receive a copy of the

Important Information

This accommodation is not a blanket reason to miss class.


有些学生注册晚了,有些学生等到需要签署协议时才做出回应. In these cases, faculty are not expected to provide retroactive accommodations. 然而,掌握这些信息仍然是有帮助的,即使是在学期的后期.


如果缺勤达到或超过出勤/作业灵活性协议中约定的缺勤率的50%, OAE should be informed by the student. 这将使OAE能够帮助回答学生和教师关于住宿的问题.

与残疾影响无关的缺勤不包括在这一安排中(1).e. absences due to a common illness, car trouble, etc.),并应根据教学大纲规定的出勤/缺勤政策来解决. 因非残疾原因缺课的学生应遵守教师的教学大纲.

and/or curriculum.

Faculty are not obligated to re-teach material missed due to not attending class.

Not every course component can be provided an extension.


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