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Professional Success at Agnes Scott

At Agnes Scott, your professional success is largely defined by you and the path you choose for your future, but we don't expect you to do this alone. We use a successive set of experiences to teach you how to consider your strengths and interests, explore possibilities, and discover multiple pathways to success. Intentionally woven throughout our SUMMIT courses, the majors and minors, and the co-curriculum, our career readiness initiative will prepare you for success in your professional, civic and personal life beyond Agnes Scott.


职业敏捷性和适应性是通过自我发现和职业探索建立起来的. At Agnes Scott, 100%的学生完成了学生采访领导者的SCALE, 在工作场所观察团队,了解职业选择.

You are the author of your future, 但我们有意的方法是为了驱动你的智力, 社会和职业成长和流动性. Simply put, through SUMMIT, our professional success initiative will do these things for you:

  • Build career agility through the process of encouraging your self-discovery and the exploration of possibilities
  • Open doors by connecting you to real-world learning 通过与专业人士的对话、见习、实习和研究
  • 将你与教师和专业导师联系起来
  • Prepare you to be the kind of transformational, inclusive leader that employers seek today
  • 打破通往职业成功的任何障碍, 尤其是那些来自弱势群体的人
  • Further build upon the skills developed under liberal arts teachings that are attractive to employers, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, writing, speaking, research and teamwork, while folding in unique aspects of SUMMIT to include digital literacy, numeracy, leadership and global fluency.
  • Offer you early career support services 从第一年开始,一直延伸到毕业之后,包括 Mentoring Circles, 一个针对年轻校友的小组辅导项目.



Year One - 当你踏上校园,发现就开始了.

从第一年的SUMMIT领导力浸入式体验中, Legacy, to your SUMMIT Global Journeys immersion,你对自己的优势、技能和兴趣有了更强烈的认识. 你会与你的朋友建立关系 board of advisors - faculty, SUMMIT advisors and career coaches - to discover and discuss possibilities that become the building blocks for your future.

Specific professional success initiatives embedded in the first year inspire exploration and early career success:

  • SUMMIT 110: Academic Foundations Lab, 和SUMMIT 120:职业探索启动实验室是必修课, seven-week course sequences offered in the fall and spring of first year with a focus on academic success, 职业成长和财务健康. Beginning with the class of 2025, 100 percent of first-years will participate in SUMMIT 110 and 120.
  • SUM 110 lab, 在学生第一年的秋季开设的, focuses on a successful intellectual transition to college and increases their understanding of the value of Agnes Scott's distinct liberal arts degree, which integrates global learning and leadership development with major and career exploration.
  • SUM 120 lab, 在学生第一年的春天开设的, is introduced by Career Coaches and Career Peers who bust commonly-held career myths and teach first years how to use career research and assessment tools, budget and access funding for high-impact career experiences and build professional resumes.
  • Career networking begins with access to popular platforms like our Majors-to-Careers alumnae panels event and access to associations like Women in Technology, 美国公共关系协会和乔治亚生物协会. 

“SUM 110 allowed me to enjoy moving forward as a college student even in the midst of a pandemic. 在SUM 120,我喜欢了解自己,无论是个人还是专业. 这门课给了我很多机会...”

Kaliyah '24, dual-degree engineering major, 她参与SUM 110和120试点项目的经验


Career coaches prepare you to explore all professional pathways with learning built into the first and second-year leadership experiences. 领导任何地方意味着你不回避挑战. 你将建立实现目标的能力, facilitate change, 为你自己和你周围的世界创造一个有意义的未来. 我们帮助您识别和培养成功所需的职业能力.

Specific professional success initiatives that continue the growth toward career competency in the second year include:

  • 亚特兰大大学二年级领导经历 (SCALE) -旨在为所有学生在工作中从事专业工作并取得成功做好准备,SCALE是一个为期一周的实习项目 艾格尼丝·斯科特在亚特兰大市区的中心位置. During SCALE, teams of students shadow and engage with professional leaders at community partners - either corporation, nonprofit or public service organizations in the Atlanta area - to see and learn from leadership and professionalism in action.
  • As students begin to declare a major, 他们被介绍到职业社区, led by Career Coaches, and they select a community to join. Career Communities bring together students with alumnae and employers to open doors to real-world learning. 当前的职业社区包括:健康, Sustainability and Sciences Career Community; Nonprofit and Arts Career Community; Technology, Media, Business and Communication Career Community; and Government, 教育与国际关系职业社区.
  • Agnes Advantage funding is available beginning the summer of sophomore year to support unpaid internship and research opportunities in every major, 作为消除成功障碍的一种手段, particularly for first-generation, 符合入学资格和其他未被充分代表的少数族裔. Over $150,每年资助50至75名学生, which is a big contributor to the fact that over 50 percent of Scotties have completed an internship or conducted research by junior year.

通过SUMMIT Career Connect网络, 苏格兰学生有机会与400多名校友专业人士交流, and two-thirds of graduates say alumnae positively impacted their ability to meet their post-graduation goals.

Year Three - 身体上和智力上的联系促进了成长和流动性.

职业社区继续为实习敞开大门, 研究和多样化的专业网络. Your junior year experiences connect the academic content of your major with SUMMIT’s digital literacy goals and exposes you to emerging content and technologies shaping the world of work.


  • Applied Career Experiences (ace) -在学院每年的高峰周期间提供, these 1-credit, 为期一周的课程包括跨学科的内容, 相关的数字技术和专业联系, 并且旨在为学术准备和研究生成功搭建桥梁. 主题是根据学生的兴趣和不断发展的专业技能的趋势, among other things. 一些示例主题包括:“从原始数据到洞察力,“有说服力的图像”和“如何提问和倾听:行动中的社会研究实践”."
  • Coordinated through the college's Office of Internship & Career Development, a wide variety of networking and learning opportunities are offered including campus career fairs, employer information sessions, 专业发展研讨会和校友网络, such as through our vast SUMMIT Career Connect network of over 400 alumnae who volunteer for career panels, resume reviews, job shadowing and more.

Career Communities in Action


“作为技术和商业职业社区的一员, I met with Career Coach Jan Brottman to share an update on my summer internship experience at Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. From then on, Jan's emails kept me in the loop; she proactively shared relevant information about fairs and interview prep, 在整个过程中为我加油打气. I am now excited to have an offer with Infosys where I will work with an Agnes Scott alum." - Felicia Jacques, 21岁,商业管理和非洲研究双学位

了解更多关于Agnes Scott的职业社区


Year Four - Engagement in career and life readiness preparation doesn't end with graduation.

“Ringing the Bell” 庆祝职业上的成功只是你未来的一部分. Our early career success program will bridge your transition from undergraduate study to your next step, whether it's graduate school, 国际服务队的机会或工作机会. Relationships with other alumnae and ongoing professional programming will allow you to fully and successfully engage in opportunities to elevate the world, no matter what continent you call home.

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Affordability & Value: An Agnes Scott Education

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Lily Exford '20 announced her job placement as Global Risk Analyst at Bank of America by ringing the bell in the tower of Main Hall, a long-honored tradition at Agnes Scott.


An Approach That Equals Success

Ranked #3 in the nation for Learning Communities and #11 nationally for Co-Ops/Internships in 2022, Agnes Scott proves time and time again that it's one of the best colleges for internships and professional success.
National ranking for social mobility, 或者为符合佩尔资格的学生创造一条通往大学的支持性途径
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